Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Another Christmas Gathering

We have waited patiently to meet the newest member of our family, Asher John Denton and he was so worth the wait.  We've read Camille's posting about how patient, happy and easy going Asher is and she was so right!
Let me introduce you to Asher John Denton at 4 months old, December 29, 2012.
We were so fortunate to have Blake, Camille and the boys for more than a few hours this visit and we thoroughly enjoyed every moment.  We really didn't do a lot other than hang out at the house and enjoy each other's company.  The Asians arrived in Houston Wednesday evening and headed to Dallas on Friday.  They did awesome adjusting to the jet lag.  I just love how Camille cradles Asher....with pure joy and love.
 Saturday evening a group of our friends meet at Casa Milagra to meet Asher and visit with Blake, Camille and Pierce.  Wasn't the best venue for the mix and mingle but that's all we could get. Keith & Elysse were in Austin having Christmas with her family.  We passed Asher around the table.  He was jolly and could care less who had him.
 Pierce was one happy boy.  Oh what a heart breaker he's going to be....watch out girls/moms.
 We invited a high school friend of Blake's to join us, Kevin and Allison.
 On Sunday we met Keith, Elysse and Anna at their church, Heights Baptist.  This was Anna's first to meet her cousin, Asher.  She loves BEBEs.  She will make a good big sister.
 Sweet kids and families.
 Later that afternoon we got to open more presents.  Pierces favorite.
 And just lounge around the house.
 Look at this happy little boy.  This is his personality. Too cute!

 I love this picture.

 Blake, Camille and the boys went to FW to visit Camille's parents during the week and we got them back in time to go to our church Sunday.  A very special treat.
 I can't remember since Singapore having a picture with Camille and I really wanted one of the two of us.
 More fun with the family.
 Just like Tom Cruise.....and as cute!
 Camille usually had one of the boys in her lap so I jumped on this opportunity of Anna in her lap.
 I used Camille's lens on my camera for this picture and really like it....might be my birthday present????

 Thanks to all our kids for making it another wonderful time of the season.  We caught up with Julie and KW New Year's Eve in Atlanta....another blog posting.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Christmas with C&M

We had one of the best Christmas's ever!  Kids coming and going all the time.  Chris and Melissa arrived Friday before Christmas.  We had dinner reservations at Lucia in the Arts District in Oak Cliff.  I didn't take any pictures of the evening but if you have an opportunity to go there, it's absolutely a delightful spot.  And if you are lucky and get a reservation at Lucia, you won't be disappointed.  The food was unbelievable and the atmosphere was so relaxing.  The owners and staff are super nice.
Saturday my dad, Keith, Elysse and Anna came over and we opened gifts.  This was Anna's 2nd Christmas and she really enjoyed tearing off the paper.  One of her toys was a pink princess scooter.  Plays music and has a magic wand.  What more could a little girl ask for?
 It didn't take her long to move on to other things.  She has a little of Lauren's FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) syndrome.
 Not sure if she is kissing her new baby doll or biting it's nose.
 Another delightful Christmas day with kids and dad.  I love you all and each of you were my special gift this year.
 One thing I've always wanted to do during the holidays is take a carriage ride in Highland Park.  By the time I think about it, it's always too late and they are booked.  It was late (9:30 p) but we went and had a great time.  Highland Park village is decorated so beautifully. All the tress have a bazillion lights.

 We took some KW Tradition wine on our carriage ride.  Made it very festive.

 On Sunday we went to Up Town and watched the Cowboys lose.  How disappointing they are.  Hal got so frustrated that we went for a walk.  I have wanted to go to the park that is above Woodall Rogers Freeway, The Klyde Warren Park. It's very nice.  A lot of play area for all ages.

 We met one of Chris's college friends, John Mayer.  Love it when two guys get together for a picture.
 It takes a women between them for them to relax!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

K,E and Anna pictures

Elysse asked Hal if he would take photos for their Christmas card.  Of course he was thrilled.  I can finally share some of the photos that he took.  It was a crisp fall afternoon and the backdrop was beautiful. Just look at Elysse....can't even tell she is 6 months pregnant.  Enjoy.
 How did grandma get in there????
 On this day she had rediscovered her tongue.  Too funny.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Christmas with Friends

Rod and Mollie moved to San Augustine April 2012.  They were kind and sweet and gave us plenty of warning that they were going to move.  We were all in denial up to the time and even after the move.  Thinking surely they would come to their senses and not leave their friends.  Can you tell I miss them dearly????  However being with them for the evening it was clear they are very happy with the move and you couldn't ask for anything more than that.
We all miss you Rod and Mollie and very happy to see your sweet faces!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Christmas Season 2012

We had a very pleasant surprise one evening with carolers at our door.  This seems to be a thing of the past but I'm thankful our next door neighbor Daniel and his family thought of it and came to our door.
 Over the years our church has put on a very elaborate event, Nights in Bethlehem.  It takes a village to do this.  John and Susan where Registrars, Hal and I were Shepards, helping people get to the right place.  We had a market, thieves, live animals and the story.

Elysse signed us up for the Santa Run in the Shops of Legacy.  This is a great location as it's flat, all decorated and close to home.  We had a great time.  It was a little early for some.  We arrived around 8:00 am.  Had to wake Anna up and Keith was feeling like crap.  I can't believe he even went!  Grandpa agreed to go but had no idea he got to wear a Santa suit.  It was hilarious when he learned he would be dressing up.
 Santas everywhere.  I forget how many people signed up for the walk/run. This was just one small camera angle.
 And out of all those people we found our friend Jeanne Hooker standing next to us with some of her girlfriends.
I have to mention that Keith and Elysse both ran and bet Hal and me.  Keith sick as could be pushing Anna in her stroller and Elysse 6 months pregnant.  Super couple!
 He finally forgave me!!!!
 Anna saw three different Santas and never liked one of them.  Maybe next year.
Keith and Elysse were going to a party later that evening so we had Anna for a sleepover.  She has her usual places to go and play and one of them is our bathroom.
 I'm sure there is just one more thing back there she needs....
 Now she's happy.  Everything in plain view.
 Anna and Grandpa have this thing about ice cream before bath and bedtime.  She's at the age now that she prefers to feed herself with her spoon.
 With her hands.....
 Or drinking it...
 Mornings are her best time.  I could just squeeze this little girl.  You know by this look you are in for a full day of fun!  Love you Anna!