Thursday, May 5, 2011

Elysse's baby shower for Anna

I'm beside myself waiting to meet Anna.  Elysse had her first baby shower Saturday.  It's was so nice to see so many people we have had the opportunity to meet over the years.  I had a great day!  Anna received just a few things to start out with.  Keith are you ready for this????  It's comming home in a few hours.
 Harriett, Mutti, Gretchen and sweet Elysse. Mother, daughters and grandmother who I just adore!
 What a sweet group of girls. Some of these girls grew up with Elysse in Midland.
 These 3 girls are all due within a few months.  Dont' you know their daughters will be BFF's.
 And my BFF's.  Thank you for coming dear friends.  I love you dearly.
 Anna, this isn't the best pic of your mom, but I can tell you she is the most lovable, adorable mom you could ever ask for.


  1. Oh dear, definitely not a good photo of me! The shower was fantastic and thank you to you and your amazing friends for coming. :)
    Only 7 weeks left and we all get to meet little Anna!!
    Love you, Elysse

  2. So exciting so wish i could have been there... oh what great fun... and love the last pic Elly... so much joy on your face.
