So funny when Pierce finally got into his gift and there were catalogs everywhere.....He wasn't all that impressed.
Anna did very well for not knowing what was going on. She got a few cute outfits, Fisher Price naivety scene, toys, etc.

So happy my dad could make it over for the festivities and sad Elizabeth wasn't feeling well enough to join us.Aunt Elli was a very busy and creative person this Christmas season. She found this army ammo box to store some of Pierce's toys. What a great idea. I need to get a picture of the blanket she made for Pierce spelling his name with patches. So cute!
Hal received many personal grooming suggestions here babe.
He also received an iPad 2. Not sure what I was thinking giving this to him. He now has two pc's, iPhone and iPad. I'm having to fight for my time....

This cute Anna outfit came from Singapore.

One of Pierce's gifts was a book on paper airplanes. Blake worked hard on this project for quite a while. We noticed it was left at the house with us. On purpose Blake????
Later that afternoon all the kids scattered to various places. We went to the 5:00 worship service which is always so sweet with the kids participating in the service being, angels, Shepards, kings and sheep. There were many angels, Shepards and kings but not many sheep.One of Pierce's gifts was a book on paper airplanes. Blake worked hard on this project for quite a while. We noticed it was left at the house with us. On purpose Blake????
We took the opportunity to take a few family photos in the sanctuary.
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