It was tough to get Pierce to stand still with me as there was sooo much to see.
He loves his dinosaurs....and knows them all.
He enjoyed telling me all about each and every one of them. No need to read.
This is a magnetic wall that allows you to make your own dinosaur. Way cool.
This was Pierce's look most of the day. All in awe and taking it all in.
There are many interactive places for the kids. For this one, you wore the 3-D glasses and soared like an eagle. Here Pierce was soaring down through the valley.
Another cool thing to do along the way is to make a bird. At the first stop you selected the type of body. The next was type of beak. The next, were feathers and then sound. At the last station you saw a picture of your bird and named it....this is Swift Zipper!
Now we are on the geek floor and GP is loving it. Pierce is too. This has something to do with a light beam.
This picture is taken for Blake...something for everyone.
Mom and stayed at this station forever. Long enough for GP & GM to have a seat. It has something to do with electricity. He was fascinated over it.Again, in geek world so not really sure what this was about other than I know Pierce got to create something with his initials and then spun a wheel and it was displayed on a screen. Ask Pierce.
As I mentioned, there are many things to do as well as see at this museum. I took a video of this but there were too many moms giving instructions to their kids. But I think you get the idea.
And last of all were not one but two 3-D movies. Great way to wind down the day.
We are starving by off to the Fish Shack for dinner...yum.
You guys are the best... I had not seen these pics... so good but what was up with Pierce hair... yikes... what fun and thanks for loving him so... I got to hurry up and potty train Asher so he can join in the fun next time.... also Pierce still talks about the fish shack... that was a highlight for sure... thanks GP for the chai tea's... yummy