I thought I would kick off the new year with Christmas with our kids and grand kids. What better way to start back with blogging since our kids and grand kids are the highlight of our lives.
We were thrilled when everyone said they could be in Dallas for a few hours together. They we even more thrilled to learn we would have a family picture. Our dear friend Kathy, with the assistance of John and Susan, took our family picture. Just to think that 10 minutes before this picture was taken, Asher and Bailey were in their beds, Chris and Melissa had just arrived with a sick sleepy Logan. But I think we all clean up nicely and look just fine here!
If I had a favorite....this would be it. Each of these sweet kids bring so much joy to my life.
We had a surprise for EVERYONE!
This is our surprise look when Santa walked through the front door.

Our dear friend Jerry suited up as SANTA and came to visit and brought toys for everyone. Spencer is too young to know to be afraid of Santa so in his typical spirit...goes with the flow.
This is our surprise look when Santa walked through the front door.
Our dear friend Jerry suited up as SANTA and came to visit and brought toys for everyone. Spencer is too young to know to be afraid of Santa so in his typical spirit...goes with the flow.
Logan still wasn't feeling well and was very attached to mom.
Bailey was petrified of Santa and didn't want anything to do with him. She did say maybe next year.These three were all over Santa and loved every minute. Asher followed Santa out the door wanting to know where his car was....hahaha. Anna will love this picture one day in her later years. Pierce was Santa's helper.
Patiently waiting for Santa to distribute the gifts.
The fun has begun.
Hard to tell what gifts have and haven't been opened.
Asher was thrilled with all his gifts and wanted to share his excitement with KW.
Anna got a Little Pony jacket and pony. She was beside herself.
The big kids enjoyed playing with the younger kids toys. Boys will be boys!
Anna playing with GP's remote car.
Elysse feeding Spencer holding her first pow-pow. That house hold will certainly change.
Another wonder Christmas blessing!
Wishing you a Happy New Year from our home to yours.
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