I had the opportunity to meet Kendell's mom, Roxann. You can certainly see the mother/daughter resemblances.
We have enjoyed every moment of having Camille here with us. She and Pierce head back to Singapore in a few weeks to join Blake. They have signed up for another stint in Singapore for a couple of years.
Julie made this centerpiece which is made of pampers and makes a lovely decoration
Great idea girls....
After the shower and nap of course, we headed to the pool to cool off. Who's the kid in the pic?
KW worked on his cannon balls. Pierce saw this one coming.
We were treated to some very nice wine w/our meals.
Yum Yum wine will have a new name come this fall, Tradition, along w/a label. I remember the night we named it Yum Yum. A night a few of us will forever remember.....Sunday we worshiped at Tallowood w/KW, Julie and Lauren. Pierce was telling us all goodbye and being very sweet.

So much fun and great pics... man I am so behind on blogging.