Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year 2010 in Atlanta

Hal and I spent New Year Eve weekend in Atlanta and had a wonderful time.  Friday, Chris picked us up from the airport and took us to lunch at Six Feet Under.  The restaurant got it's name bc it's across the street from a beautiful cemetery.  Great food and we so enjoyed spending time with him.

Afterwards Chris dropped us off at the Omni were we would spend the next few days w/22,000 of our closest college friends, plus 1,300 other volunteers, Julie and KW...all of us attending Passion 2011. That's not all that was going on downtown Atlanta.  Friday night was the Chick Fil A Bowl at the Georgia Dome plus the dropping of the Peach for New Years Eve.  On Saturday all the kids starting arriving.  Sunday the Atlanta Falcons played Carolina at the was just total mass humanity. 
Friday night we had dinner w/Julie and KW to celebrate New Years Eve.  We stayed up until midnight.
On Tuesday Chris came back to pick us up.  We stopped by his new office and visited w/Kristin, Jerry, the other Chris and Kim.  Love the new place.

The interior decorating is beautiful!  Hope to see you again and soon.
Happy New year!

1 comment:

  1. Fancy new place... makes me want to work again... maybe not... love the glasses on KW.
