Sunday, April 17, 2011

Inasmuch, 2011

For the past five years our church has participated in a community wide volunteer project called Inasmuch.  This is my first year to participate and I had a blast.  I really learned a lot on how food pantry's are organized.  We served at God's Pantry this morning.  Linda was our volunteer coordinator.  She is amazing.  She not only serves those who need God's Pantry she also works with a multitude of volunteers.  I am so impress with her attitude towards us all.  Kathy was our church Project Leader.  What a way to spend your Saturday, serving the community with your friends!
Our first assignment was to remove all bar codes from the packages, count each item and then bag the breads and sweets. Wendy and Kalie where a great mother daughter team.

 Look who is having so much fun
 Our next assignment was to bag 7 boxes of cookie dough.  Each bag had 18 + cookies (don't tell Linda).  After the cookie dough, we were promoted to bagging 60 lbs of flour and 90 lbs of sugar in little bags.  I felt like Lucy in the chocolate assembly line, with sugar, flour and sharpie all over me.  I love you Lord!  Thank you.

 Kalie spent the rest of her morning giving out food to those who came in need.  Can you imagine receiving a donation from this sweet girl?

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