Monday, April 28, 2014

Houston Bee Hive Celebration

I blogged about the differences between Murphy and Houston bee hives and it continues.  While we strive to be rid of bees in our home, the Houston peeps are creating a "home" for their bees.

 Queen Bee
 All cozy
 Home sweet home!
 And this is how you celebrate your new hobby, Julie and KW style....nice.
 And don't they look cute.  The bees adore them and so do we!
The other funny thing that happened during the weekend Julie and KW brought their bees home was that we were keeping the girls for the weekend.  Anna is into movies and I had purchased a movie call Bee Movie awhile back.  It's an animated movie with adult undertones that is hilarious!!!  The entire time I'm watching this movie with Anna, I'm dying laughing thinking about Julie and KW.  If you ever have some down time, into bees (saving the world of course) and want a good laugh, watch the movie.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Anna and Bailey weekend

We love that Elysse and Keith are such a social couple.  Gives us opportunities to have the girls.  K&E had an out of town wedding to attend (getting close to everyone being married now) so they brought the girls over before nap time on Friday.  I got to hang out with them for a bit, down for a nap (all three of us) and then the fun began.  Grandpa came home early just in case I needed some help.  Seriously I don't know how Elysse and Camille manage taking care of two kids and always looking soooo cute.  Saturday night GP and I realized that neither one of us showered all day and no makeup.  The girls never said a thing about it so all was good.

Bailey woke up first and ready for her snack.  This little girl is so precious and cuddly. 
 Anna woke up and we had to go find the kitty and play in the rocks.  Oh so much fun.

 Grandpa and Bailey found the swing while Anna chased me around the yard.
 Isn't he so cute?
 Playing on the back porch building towers.

Saturday the day turned chilly but we had plans to attend Murphy opening of their outdoor activity center.  There was a bounce house slide that Anna went down about 75 times.  Each time she came down she would say....One more time Paw Paw.
We came home tired and had lunch.  Anna had a little accident and needed a band-aid.  (I'm going to get stock in Band-Aids).  Not one band-aide, not two band-aides, not three band-aides but four!  She carefully put them all on.  It was hilarious to watch her talk with four band-aides stuck to her mouth. She left them on for a long time.
Look at those sad eyes.
 Naps are good for Anna.  She wakes up and ready to go.  So lets go MawMaw and bake some cupcakes.

 Bailey is happily playing in the living room.

It's time for bed and grandpa gets the joy of reading the bedtime story.  Another successful day.

 I'm not sure what happened to Sunday's pictures.  Grandpa and I got up very early so we could shower (yea!!!) and hopefully go to church.  When Anna woke she let us know that she would not be going to church.  She is so funny.  The funniest thing about our church experience was that we parked under the porte-cochere at church to unload.  Got both girls out, got both bags and my purse and we are off to the nursery to drop off Bailey.  Anna is going to big church.  A few songs into worship and we realized that we left our car in the driveway under the porte-cochere.  Grandpa hurriedly went to move it.  Anna was great in church.  She has the head bobble down when she hears the music.
We are so thankful and grateful for this time with the girls.  Love them to pieces!


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Garage Sale wtih Friends

Having a garage sale with friends is the only way to have a garage sale.  I'm not all that educated on the garage sale process so I went to our friend Kathy Sanders.  She is my Go To lady for many things.  I love her decorating style, she knows where to find the best deals, she is very creative, etc...all of which I am not!  Makes for great friends.  Because we both moved in the last few months we had many items that did not fit in our current home.  I hate to say this...but this is our last home!!!
We started the celebration with Susan's birthday dinner.  I love our friends!!!
Now down to business....I worked hard through the week to gather stuff I just could not live without and the garage grew and grew with "stuff"
 Kathy and Jerry moved shortly after we did and considerably downsized.  Plus...Kat has a lot of really nice things.

 Saturday morning...4:30 AM and Hal could not sleep......So excited for the day...NOT!!!!

 Starting to "display" items on tables on the driveway.

 All of our helper bees showed up around sun up.  Now those are true friends.  I  just love them.
 See anything you can't live without?  It's funny because we all found thing we took inside that we thought we needed.  We found a bicycle, car seat and painting for the grand kids.
 Jerry working hard at merchandising.
 There is something for everyone here....Come and get it.
 OK, it's about 2:30 and we are done.  Look at that clean garage!  That was our goal.
 This is not Hal's favorite activity but he pushed through.
 Per Anna.....Clean Up, Clean Up, Everyone Clean Up...

 Ta Da!!  All clean and all done.  We had a successful garage sale with the help of some fabulous friends.  We are blessed!
And Hal can get both cars in the garage...that was the goal.