Monday, April 28, 2014

Houston Bee Hive Celebration

I blogged about the differences between Murphy and Houston bee hives and it continues.  While we strive to be rid of bees in our home, the Houston peeps are creating a "home" for their bees.

 Queen Bee
 All cozy
 Home sweet home!
 And this is how you celebrate your new hobby, Julie and KW style....nice.
 And don't they look cute.  The bees adore them and so do we!
The other funny thing that happened during the weekend Julie and KW brought their bees home was that we were keeping the girls for the weekend.  Anna is into movies and I had purchased a movie call Bee Movie awhile back.  It's an animated movie with adult undertones that is hilarious!!!  The entire time I'm watching this movie with Anna, I'm dying laughing thinking about Julie and KW.  If you ever have some down time, into bees (saving the world of course) and want a good laugh, watch the movie.

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