We are so blessed to have Robin Mark come to our church for two nights of concert and Sunday worship. He is an amazing worship leader, song writer and person. We had a nice turnout for the Saturday night concert. Afterwards those that play in the band, Robin and others come over to the house for some down time and pizza. Robin is feeling comfortable enough in our home to know where the plates and beer are kept. I just love that! Sunday evening Small Groups ate together and then most of us went on to the concert. It was a very intimate group and Robin was extra special in sharing more deeply how and why he wrote the songs he sang. His new CD, Fly, will not be out until October but when it does come out, I highly recommend getting it.

Robin is so gracious that he lets members from our church and other church Praise Teams back him up. This helps with our cost. Marvin is on the left and Emily one of the singers is from Grace Presby. and Tom, Mollie, Ellen and Sarah are from CCPC and Dave on drums worships at a Bible Fellowship church. It is always nice to see and hear this group come together to share their gifts.
Hal, Harry and Andy work the video and audio for the concert and do a great job.
Fun FUn Fun...