Saturday, July 16, 2016

Time with Asher in Houston

Camille and Blake took Pierce to CA for a week.  Lucky us, we get Asher for a week.  There is nothing better than getting your grandkids without their parents!!!  Grandparents Rule!!!!  Not necessarily, it's really, grandkids RULE and we follow.. 
One of our first stops was Cabelas.  It really has a lot to offer.

 Not sure mom would agree with this!
 GP and Asher would have some pool time while GM made dinner.
 Mom left us some crafts, thankful!
 GP got some good cuddle time....Priceless.
 Some good ole outdoor time.
 Some educational time. 
 Sometimes GP needs to hurry up because Asher knows his way around the library.
We spent 2 1/2 hours during our first trip to the library.

 More pool time.
 Sometimes you just need to get creative with meals.
We went to the aquarium.  What a fabulous place!  Took the train ride around and through.

 So much to see and learn.
 Another adventure and shared time we will not forget.
 Juju met us at the park and we did a transfer.  I have a life long friend that we met for dinner and what a joy.  I love her dearly!

 While GP and GM are dining, Asher is dining with Juju and KW
Back to being entertained.
 Sharing and cuddles
 Back to the mall

 Our 2nd trip to the library took 20 minutes so we had to fill in the time before nap time.  Where do you go??  Chick-fil-A of course.  Lunch, play time, ice cream.  I see a sleepy boy. 
What a joy filled week.

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