Wednesday, July 20, 2011

WP, Monday, 2011

To me this trip has been a little more laid back than previous trips.  In years past we would be ready to walk out the door by10:00 ready to hike for the day.  This trip we have coffee and talk about the day, walk to breakfast and talk about the day, go for a hike and talk about the day, come home have dinner and take a walk and talk about the day.  At the end of the day, we all agree it was a great day!
Susan and Hal enjoy working puzzles.  So they say...this was one of the hardest puzzles they have worked. You can't see it in this picture but this is a 500 piece puzzle and there are only 499 pieces.  I took a picture of the two of them on the floor with butts in the air looking for the missing piece....they wouldn't let me post the picture..can't image can you?
Today we walked to our other favorite breakfast place, Mountain Rose (AKA The Kitchen). We sat out side in the sun and it was lovely.

 I just love this picture of John..
 After breakfast we decided to take a nature hike. There are a lot of pics here, they were all breath taking to us.
There were fields of these beautiful blue flowers that look to us like bluebonnets.  We will have to find out what they are called.

 We were quite surprised by how much snow we could still see on the mountain tops.

 All of these flowers are just growing wild in the landscape.

 So cute!
During our hike to breakfast, we decided to take a hike to the base of Winter Park and get our ski tickets for next year.  It's a 7 mile round trip hike which is filled with all kinds of beauty.  This stream is usually running but never this fast.

As we were walking, it was thundering the whole time.  We were fortunate to get to the base with only sprinkles which we thought was just delightful.  Once we got our tickets, which is another story, we went and celebrated with having drinks at the base.

As we were hiking home, it started raining on us.  No a problem to Texans!  We were almost dancing in the rain.  However, later on that evening we had a real thunder, lightening and rain storm.  Perfect for sleeping.
We stayed in for the evening and most of us in bed by 10:00.  What a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Tell John that picture would make a great profile pic for FB!
